If you are experiencing trauma, please seek help from a mental health therapist as soon as possible. Below you will find the 10 steps to find your way back from trauma:

  1. Safety - Get yourself in a safe place.
  2. Support - Leverage your support systems (friends and family)
  3. Get Help - Seek help from a qualified mental health professional
  4. What is Your Story - Work through your trauma in counseling
  5. Process Trauma - Process, process, process
  6. Cultivate Healthy Relationships - Remove toxic relationships that can hinder your recovery
  7. Mindfulness, Meditation, & Self-Care - Remember to put the oxygen mask on yourself first!
  8. Faith - Spirituality is the key to recovery, lean on God
  9. Trust the Timing - Trauma recovery as with many other things in life cannot be rushed
  10. Kindness - Be kind to yourself, practice humility along your journey

Above All Love Yourself...You're Worth it!


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